Security training and awareness are essential components of an organization’s efforts to create a strong security culture and protect its sensitive information, assets, and operations from various threats, including cyberattacks and other security breaches.

Effective security training and awareness programs contribute to:

  • Reducing the likelihood of security breaches caused by human error.

  • Creating a security-conscious organizational culture where security is a shared responsibility.

  • Increasing employees’ ability to recognize and respond to security threats.

  • Aligning employees with security policies and procedures.

  • Minimizing the impact of security incidents through prompt reporting and response.

Regular updates and adaptations to training and awareness initiatives are crucial due to the evolving nature of security threats. An organization that places emphasis on security training and awareness is better equipped to defend against a wide range of security risks and protect its assets effectively.

Symosis provides the following types of security training. The training ic customized to your environment and can be delivered in person, online or on-demand

Security Training

Security training involves providing specific knowledge and skills to employees and stakeholders to enable them to understand and effectively address security risks and best practices. It typically includes:

  • Cybersecurity Training: Educating employees about the various types of cyber threats, such as phishing, malware, social engineering, and how to recognize and respond to them.

  • Data Protection: Teaching individuals how to handle sensitive data, including personal information, financial data, and intellectual property, in a secure manner.

  • Access Control: Explaining the importance of strong authentication, password management, and user access privileges to prevent unauthorized access to systems and data.

  • Physical Security: Providing guidance on securing physical assets, restricting access to sensitive areas, and safeguarding equipment.

  • Incident Response: Training employees on how to report security incidents promptly and effectively, allowing for a coordinated response.

  • Compliance: Ensuring employees understand and follow security policies, procedures, and regulatory requirements.

Security Awareness

Security awareness focuses on creating a general understanding of security risks, best practices, and the importance of maintaining a security-conscious mindset. It involves promoting a culture where security is everyone’s responsibility. Key aspects include:

  • Regular Communication: Sharing security-related information, updates, and tips through newsletters, emails, posters, and other internal communication channels.

  • Simulated Phishing: Running simulated phishing campaigns to assess employees’ susceptibility to phishing attacks and providing additional training to those who fall for them.
  • Security Events and Workshops: Organizing workshops, seminars, and events to raise awareness about specific security topics and facilitate discussions among employees.

  • Leadership Engagement: Encouraging leadership and management to demonstrate their commitment to security awareness, which encourages employees to prioritize security.

Developer Security Training

Developer security training is a specialized type of security training tailored to software developers and engineers. Its primary aim is to equip developers with the knowledge, skills, and best practices necessary to write secure code, design secure systems, and integrate security into the software development lifecycle. Given the increasing frequency of cyberattacks and data breaches, ensuring that developers understand security principles is crucial for building resilient and secure applications. Here’s what developer security training typically involves:

Secure Coding Practices

Teaching developers how to write code that is resistant to common vulnerabilities such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), cross-site request forgery (CSRF), and more.

Security Principles

Explaining fundamental security concepts like authentication, authorization, encryption, and hashing, along with how they should be applied in software development.

Threat Modeling

Training developers to identify potential security threats and vulnerabilities in their applications and systems during the design phase.

Secure Development Lifecycle (SDLC)

Introducing developers to integrating security activities into each phase of the development process, from requirements gathering to deployment and maintenance.